I caught a glimpse of my mom earlier. She went home to be with the Lord three years ago and there are so many little circumstances and random things that happen that remind me of her.
Earlier tonight I was tucking in our youngest, who is 6 years old going on 20. She was all cozy in her blankets, holding onto her snuggle elephant, saying, “Mommy, I love you sooo much. I don’t want to grow up and I’m not going to leave you, and I don’t want you to ever die.” I reassured her and told her how special she is, and how excited I am for her future and the plans God has for her.
Her bright smile lit up her eyes. It was one of those sweet, cuddly, nose-to-nose moments where your heart just spills over with joy for this sweet gift in front of you.
That’s when it happened: In that short moment, I caught a glimpse of my mom and it was as if my mom and I were in the same body.
In an instant, I saw my mom’s smile and the joy on her face as she looked at me with such happiness and love — which was probably a million times throughout our years together, over the smallest of things and mostly for no reason at all, just because. And that’s exactly the same way I was looking at my mini-me as she spoke to me some of the same things I would’ve said to my mom when I was small.
Children mirroring parents. It’s awe-inspiring and a little frightening how much we learn from each other without even trying.
Not only did I experience my mom’s love for me on another level, but I glimpsed the heart of God.
We, as parents, and our parents, and generations before, pour out love for our children as unconditionally as we possibly can. How much more does our Father God love us?
For as much as our hearts overflow when our children say, “I love you”, how much more do we bless the heart of God when we worship, adore, praise, and share our hearts with Him?
Be encouraged that God is in every second of our lives, constantly watching over us, constantly walking with us, and constantly loving us even when we feel unlovable, even when we run away, even when we mess up.
“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God…”
— 1 John 3:1