Tag: God is in control

the shoreline of perspective

[cross-posted to www.stepforwardtoday.com]

[VIDEO CLIP]theshorelineofperspective

Standing on the shore, looking out at the expanse of water and sky – nothing but waterā€¦sunā€¦cloudsā€¦and the whooshing sound of the waves as the tide goes inā€¦and out.

Breathing in salty air…breathing out life.

Clearing my mind.

Clearing my soul.

Gaining perspective.

Sometimes God places us on the shore ā€“ to rest and retreat away from the crashing waves of chaos that push and pull at us: – that space of creative silence where we canā€™t generate content or pour ourselves out. That place of perspective and discernment where we donā€™t speak, but instead tune into what God is speaking to us.

This unexpected shore of perspective might be a job change, an illness, a shift in family dynamicsā€¦some life event or situation that causes us to step back and take stock of the situation, to reprioritize and reconnect with what is important.

ā€œSince we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit.ā€ (Galatians 5:25)

Sometimes we feel sidelined on the shore.

Sometimes we feel passed by on the shore.

Sometimes we feel alone on the shore.

But the shore is a vital part of our walk with the Lord. If we live our entire lives walking on the busy, crowded water of our mission, or tossing in the chaos waves of the storm, we will miss what the Holy Spirit can only say to us in the quiet, decluttered spaces.

ā€œBe still and know that I am Godā€ (Psalm 46:10)

Stillness, retreat and silence are all necessary parts of our relationship with God. Itā€™s easy to get caught up in the daily details of the task or mission, and even easier to make those details about the things we want instead of what God wants for us. Spending time in stillness and silence draws us closer to our Creator, deepens our faith, strengthens our relationship with Him, and reminds us that His plans are greater than what we can understand in our limited knowledge.

Time on the shore of perspective is time to allow God to bring the components of our lives into focus so that we can head back into the water with His Purpose, to let Him accomplish what only God can do.