I see the news…the world events…the signs all around us and I say, “Come, Lord Jesus!” The evil that is being perpetrated around the globe has no boundaries, defies description & crushes my heart. This is not the future I want for our family or anyone else and yet we will walk through whatever circumstances come upon us, knowing that God goes with us & Jesus has gone before us. We can have faith and peace in all situations because “We are not of those that shrink back and are destroyed, but are those that Believe and are saved” (Hebrews 10:39).
Friends: Jesus is our only hope and Heaven is our home. There is no other way! “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) If you don’t know Jesus as your savior, ask me, ask another Believer, ask your Pastor, but ASK!